郭 伟 教 授


性别:男 学位:博士 政治面貌:民进会员 职称:教授 系别:应用数学系



最优化理论与方法、概率论与数理统计、线性代数、数学建模、数学分析、 高等数学



2015年9月-2016年9月加州大学圣地亚哥分校 访问学者

2014年7月-2014年9月南非金山大学 访问学者

2013年1月-至今 高清无专码区免费未删减版 教授

2009年1月-2012年12月高清无专码区免费未删减版 副教授

2007年2月-2007年9月 南非金山大学 博士后

2006年8月-2008年12月高清无专码区免费未删减版 讲师






  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “具有非局部项弹性振动系统的镇定研究” 2022/01-2024/12 项目批准号:62070203,参加

  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “偏微分控制系统的自适应误差反馈输出调节问题 ” 2020/01-2023/12 项目批准号:61973084, 主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “二阶弹性振动系统的自适应边界反馈镇定与参数估计”, 2014/01-2017/12 项目批准号: 61374088, 主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “一类预解非紧无穷维系统的研究”,2011/01-2013/12,参加

5. 高清无专码区免费未删减版杰青培育项目, 2015/01-2016/12,主持

6. 高清无专码区免费未删减版应用数学创新团队,2011/01-2013/12,主持

7. 校级一般课题“弹性振动系统的自适应边界镇定及参数在线辨识”,2009/01-2010/01,主持

学术兼职 美国数学会评论员 第八届校学术委员会委员


30. S. F. Ma(学生)and W. Guo, Dynamic pricing in a two-class queueing system with arrival and service rate control, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 32(2021), 361-380.

29. Z. D. Luo (学生), W. Guo, Q. F. Liu and Z. J. Zhang, A hybrid model for financial time-series forecasting based on mixed methodologies, Expert Systems, 38(2021), e1263

28. W.-W. Liu, J.-M. Wang, and W. Guo*, A backstepping approach to adaptive error feedback regulator design for one-dimensional linear parabolic PIDEs, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 503(2021), 125310.

27. W. Guo and F. F. Jin, Adaptive error feedback regulator design for 1D heat equation with unknown harmonic disturbance anti-collocated with control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(2020), 824-830.

26. W. Guo and F.F. Jin, Adaptive error feedback regulator design for 1 D heat equation, Automatica, 113(2020), 108810.

25. F, F. Jin and W. Guo*, Boundary state feedback exponential stabilization for a one-dimensional wave equation with velocity recirculation, Automatica, 113(2020), 108796.

24. W.-W. Liu, W. Guo*, and J.-M. Wang, Backstepping-based adaptive error feedback regulator design for one-dimensional reaction-diffusion equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 484(2020), 123666.

23. C. H. Jia, W. Guo *and D. Luo, Parameter estimation and output feedback stabilization for the linear Korteweg-de Vries equation with disturbed boundary measurement, ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 25 (2019), Article no. 76, 22pp.

22. W. Guo and H. C. Zhou, Adaptive Error Feedback Regulation Problem for an Euler--Bernoulli Beam Equation with General Unmatched Boundary Harmonic Disturbance, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 57( 2019), 1890-1928.

21. H.C, Zhou and W. Guo*, Output feedback exponential stabilization of one-dimensional wave equation with velocity recirculation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 11(2019),4599–4606

20. H.C, Zhou and W. Guo*, Performance output tracking and disturbance rejection for an Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with unmatched boundary disturbance, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, (470)2019, 1222-1237.

19. W. Guo, H.C, Zhou and M. Krstic, Adaptive error feedback regulation problem for 1D wave equation, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28(2018),4309–4329.

18. L.-L. Su, W. Guo*, J.-M. Wang, and M. Krstic, Boundary stabilization of wave equation with velocity recirculation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (62)2017, 4760–4767

17. W. Guo, Z.-C. Shao, and M. Krstic, Adaptive rejection of harmonic disturbance anticollocated with control in 1D wave equation, Automatica, (79)2017,17-26.

16. W. Guo, Y.L. Chen and H. Y. Feng, Output feedback stabilization for a Kirchhoff-type nonlinear beam with general corrupted boundary observation, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 27(2017), 3280–3295.

15. W. Guo and Z.-C. Shao, Backstepping approach to the adaptive regulator design for a one-dimensional wave equation with general input harmonic disturbance,Journal of System Science and Complexity, 30(2017), 253-279.

14. W.Guo and B. Z. Guo, Performance output tracking for a wave equation subject to unmatched general boundary harmonic disturbance, Automatica, 68(2016), 194-202.

13 W. Guo and B. Z. Guo, Parameter Estimation and non-collocated adaptive stabilization for a wave equation with general boundary harmonic disturbance, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(2013), 1631-1643 (regular paper)

12. W.Guo and B.Z. Guo, Adaptive output feedback stabilization for one-dimensional wave equation with corrupted observation by harmonic disturbance, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51(2013), 1679–1706

11 Z. C. Shao and W. Guo, Boundary stabilization of nonlinear vibrations of a flexible structure on a Riemannin manifold, Journal of dynamical and control Systems ,19 (2013), 287-299.

10. W. Guo and B. Z. Guo, Stabilization and regulator design for a one-dimensional unstable wave equation with input harmonic disturbance, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 23(2013), 514-533.

9. W. Guo and Z.C. Shao, Strong stabilization of an unstable wave equation by boundary feedback with only displacement observation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,57(2012), 2367 – 2372

8.W. Guo, B. Z. Guo and Z. C. Shao, Parameter estimation and stabilization for a wave equation with boundary output harmonic disturbance and non-collocated control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 21(2011), 1297-1321

7. W.Guo and B. Z. Guo, Parameter estimation and stabilization for a one-dimensional wave equation with boundary output constant disturbance and non-collocated control, International Journal of Control, 84(2011), 381-395

6. B.Z.Guo and W. Guo, The strong stabilization of a one-dimensional wave equation by non-collocated dynamic boundary feedback control, Automatica , 45 (2009), 790-797

5 W.Guo and M. J. Ying , Dynamic boundary feedback stabilization for an Sine-Gordon equation, Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 38(2008), 194-200 (in Chinese)

4. B. Z. Guo and W. Guo, Adaptive stabilization for a Kirchhoff-type nonlinear beam under boundary output feedback control, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Method & Applications, 66(2007), 427-441

3.B. Z. Guo and W. Guo, Stabilization and parameter estimation for an Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with uncertain harmonic disturbance under boundary output feedback control, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Method & Applications, 61(2005), 671-693

2.B. Z. Guo and W. Guo, High-gain adaptive regulator for a string equation with uncertain harmonic disturbance under boundary output feedback control, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 1(2003), 35-42

1. W. Guo, A generalization and application of Ascoli-Arzala theorem, Journal of Systems and Mathmatical Sciences, 2(2002),115-122 (in Chinese)


6.W.W. Liu W. Guo and J.M. Wang, Adaptive error feedback output regulation for parabolic PDEs with unknown disturbance, 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (日本福冈)

5.H.Y.P. Feng, B.Z. Guo and W. Guo, DisturbanceEstimator Based Output Feedback Stabilizing Control for an Euller-Bernolli Beam Equation with Boundary Uncertainty, Proccedings of 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decesion and Control (澳大利亚墨尔本)

4.W. Guo and M. Krstic, Finite-dimensional adaptive error feedback output regulation for 1D wave equation, Proceedings of 2017 IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) 20th World Congress(法国图卢兹)

3. W. Guo, B. Z. Guo and F.F. Jin, Performance output tracking and disturbance rejection for one-dimensional wave equation with boundary disturbance, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 54th Annual Conference on Decision and Control, 1912-1916. (日本大阪)

2.W. Guo and B. Z. Guo, Parameter estimation and stabilization for an unstable one-dimensional wave equation with boundary Input harmonic disturbances, Proceedings of the 2012 America Control Conference, 634-639 (加拿大蒙特利尔)

1.W. Guo and B. Z. Guo, Identification and stabilization for a one-dimensional wave equation with boundary output unknown constant and non-collocated control, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2009, 4523-4528 (中国上海)